The Controls

Digitise Apps provides the following Controls that can be used to make up your forms:

  • Each Control has a distinct set of Properties, click on a Property in the Properties Pane to display an explanation of the Property in the panel at the bottom of the pane.
  • Some Control Properties can be accessed directly within your code, using:


    See Control Properties for more details.

  • Controls which are hidden, i.e. where the Visible Property is set to False, can still be read and updated using the Scripting Methods – see Events and Scripts for more information about writing Scripts to add functionality to your app.
  • You can change the appearance of Controls by creating and applying Styles. Styles allow you to change the colours of the Control and the size and positioning of text within the Control.
  • The Group Box Control was used on an older tablet platform but can't be used with any of the current Target Platforms.